An organization has no limits when it’s employees feel valued.

On-site or Virtual Offerings. Workshops. Leadership Retreats.

Humanity Shared combines mindfulness, awareness, and skill in the business world to help people and their cultures thrive amidst the challenges of working in fast-paced and/or remote workplace environments. We promise to deliver an actionable way to build a culture of inspiration and empowerment that encourages employees to be happier, healthier, energized, and productive. We bring a commitment to creating and growing superior leaders, for themselves, their teams, their families, and any other humans they interact with daily.

Corporate leaders and their employees have an influx of information piling up each day requiring them to be quick and reactive problem solvers. They must also be able to be good listeners, provide feedback, and empower their team members as they strive to meet their personal and collective goals. The foundation of our leadership methodology is to remain present, steady, and vulnerable in one’s role speaking from one’s authentic voice. The result is the ability to be calm, clear, curious, and agile with team members, executives, and customers. 

  • Increase productivity and creativity 

  • Increases overall happiness and contentment at work 

  • Reduces burnout and overwhelm 

  • Increases satisfaction with personal performance 

  • Increase sense of belonging and team participation


    We are successful business owners, innovators in the area of workshop and retreat design, and leadership and career coaches.

    We are practitioners with a grounded presence, proven success, and the ability to adapt based on your team’s needs.

    We believe in the importance of this work and making it accessible to every human possible.


    Immediate value through an embodied experience customized for you and your team.

    A shared language with tools to support your personal and professional growth.

    Walk away feeling more connected to yourself and your coworkers.


    We value your time and work hard to to understand and compliment your organizational culture.

    Expect us to listen carefully to your needs and requests and to create an interactive and embodied experience for you and your team.

    Expect you and your team to walk away with a shared understanding of how to support each other.

    Expect a feeling of excitement and motivation to continue this work.

Our Leadership Framework

  • An Overview of Embodied Leadership

    Whether we realize it or not we are ALL always leading, every day and every moment of our lives from parenting, to the way we interact with the grocery clerk, to how we show up in the workplace. How we move in the world is a constant choice of being a warning or an example. How we lead is everything.

    Embodied Leadership Defined: Leading self and others with integrity, compassion, and wholeheartedness. Embodied leaders have a personal awareness that they are always leading and impacting those around them—cognitively, emotionally, and physically—and they hold this responsibility with reverence.

    Principles and Skills of Embodied Leadership:

    • To know one's self as well as the skill to guide others around you.

    • To be the courageous voice in the room to speak up for self and others.

    • The skill to know when to step up or step aside to best lead in the moment.

  • Why Embodied Leadership Matters

    Embodied Leadership embraces the idea that each of us is of value and wired with an internal skill set to grow in capacity and awareness. We have evidence across the globe that leaders and their employees are drowning and failing, feeling unsupported, and have more mental health and addiction issues than ever before. The bell curve of traditional models of leadership is driven by values that focus on revenue and growth. The newest data supports embodied leadership; this includes prioritizing the value of each employee as well as collaborative growth that moves projects, people, and companies forward while emphasizing integrity and wellness “doing good by doing well.”

  • Why Embodied Leadership Differs from Any on the Market

    Without Embodiment, we experience our roles from our heads, thoughts, agendas, and fears. The premise of Embodiment is learning to “hold one’s self” with attunement:

    By checking in with your nervous system

    Tuning into your body below the neck

    Learning to come from the wisdom of intuition rather than reaction (fight, flight, and freeze) and/ or the knowledge that lives in our head

    Knowing when to take action or pause from the situation at hand

    Capacity to seek out and speak the truth using essential language

    Developing the skill to have difficult conversations and give feedback

    By being able to ‘hold one’s self, we are also able to hold space for other people. When we hold space for others, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgment and control. We are willing to walk alongside another person without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Cost of Not Changing in the Workplace

We can’t deny the impact of the Great Resignation. Employers are working harder than ever before to retain and hire quality employees. We believe the companies that utilize Embodied Leadership will thrive in the years following the Great Resignation. One of the most profound impacts of not adopting Embodied

Leadership is the continued unhappiness of employees, which ultimately results in a loss of productivity, creativity, overall effectiveness, and a toxic work environment.